Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Need Relief From Bed Bugs? We've Got The Solution!


Check out this great site that carries items to kill bed bugs!

Treatment lasts for three months! www.InStockSupplies.com
or email Esther@InstockSupplies.com

Bed Bugs!

Got Bed Bugs?
Use this treat and prevent bed bugs!
Spray as instructed that it is very unlikely there would ever be a bedbug issue.  There is always the possibility he said that bedbugs could be brought in, and that a repeated treatment may be necessary, but if used properly this product would eliminate the risks of an infestation.  He also said that is usually keeps out bedbugs for about 3 months, and kills on contact.  Attached is some literature on the product and their treatment program.  

call 917.678.9821
or email Esther@InStockSupplies.com

Friday, October 22, 2010

In Stock Supplies: My first post

In Stock Supplies: My first post: "I am learning to build an e commerce site. Check out my blog to see how its going. I sell office supplies, foodservice, janitorial supplies,..."